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Showing posts from 2018

Fostercare is a dirty word!

I have not blogged in a while.   It has been a crazy year that was filled with curve balls thrown at me and I was not always ready to bat.   However, I am still in the game! We are working with an organisation called Kin Culture and recently in collaboration with other foster/adoption organisations they launched the first ever WORLD FOSTER DAY.   The effort and the work done to promote it was amazing and I was blown away after years of working on Child Protection Week and other children’s campaign initiatives, how far this small little team were able to come and what they achieved. However, for me this day, this launch and this story was very difficult for me.   I was not sure at first what was going on in me.   I realised however at some point that I was in trouble, when by the famous May 31, 2018 in the early hours of the morning I found myself in a ball of tears at my dining room table after watching a clip that had been aired on National television about the day. Then i

The Story Continues...

 On the 31st of March 2018 Holger and I will have been foster parents for a year officially with the paper work behind us.  The shock of the tale is we really thought we would be able to give all of these children a forever home.  We intended to adopt, we were told that it was a possibility... Our hearts have had to shift and we have decided to embrace these children as if they are adopted and love them with our whole hearts even if they will not live with us forever.  They each have a home and we teach them about belonging to two families. Each one of these little lives have impacted our family and we will never be the same.  We have learnt so much about overcoming, hope, joy and resilience. These little lives are priceless and we want the best for each of them.  Please continue to keep us all in your prayers.   Especially keep our marriage in prayer that we would display the heart of GOD!