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Showing posts from April, 2022

Pen To Paper

 I forgot that I had this other blog.  I started writing this one in 2013 as I was starting to work through what it was we were meant to be doing with our lives and with some of the dreams in our hearts at the time.  This blog is really a simple account of our narrative as a family.  The picture below is where this process led us to. So much time and life has happened in the last 5 years and finding time to blog was not easy.  I am not a very good writer, but I love writing.  I really think I need to use this blog to share of the things I have learnt about family through our life choices. Holger and I have just celebrated our 27 year Anniversary and one thing that is clear about us two is, that we have never just made the simple choice.  We chose hard and we are more aware than ever of the impact of that on our children.   I am going to spend more time here.  I think it is time to put pen to some of the stories of the things that have shaped our lives to be who we are today.